Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Do Something- Blog #10

       Another week gone. Another paper done. And another life lost. I found out Monday night that a good friend of mine, Jeff, died in a car accident. No one else was involved. He over corrected on a wet road and lost control when he returned to South Carolina. Jeff was 25. So young. This was shocking news. I still can't believe he's gone. My friends in I decided since we could not go to SC for the funeral, that we are all going to the beach tomorrow night and light candles and release balloons to say goodbye to him. he would like that. Rest in peace Jeff.  

      I watched Sliverlake Life and I must say, it was a real eye opener. Out of everything we  have done throughout this semester, that movie had the most impact on me. Teach, I'm sure this is why you had us watch it. As I'm sure it has done for years to other students, it made me cry as well as show me what it's like to have AIDS. For those of you who have not seen it, I strongly suggest you watch it.

      I have always been the short, simple, and to the point kind of person. I have found this website entitled "Do Something". There is a section called 11 facts about HIV in Africa. I think this is a great website to visit if you want quick, bam to the point facts about HIV in Africa.

                                       Did You Know??                                 

     There are 33 million people worldwide infected with HIV/AIDS. 27 million of those infected are living in Africa. Out of those 27 million people, 5 million are residing in South Africa. To break it down a little more, that is one out of five people who are infected with HIV. That is just in the adult population alone. There is an estimation of  children under the age of 15 that are infected with HIV; that estimation is between 180,000 and 280,000.("11 facts about," 2011) How is that for short, simple and to the point?

 I added this picture even though it is from 2007, so that you have an Idea about how many people who are infected with HIV/AIDS.

Source:11 facts about hiv in africa. (2011). Retrieved March 30, 2011 from



  1. I am very overwhelmed by the amount of people infected with HIV. It also surprises me to see that statistics show that there are 1 in 5 adults infected with the disease in South Africa. I couldnt imagine going there and looking around me consciously knowing that someone is infected. This just saddens me and there just shows that there needs to be more measures taken to decrease these numbers in the future.

  2. I am sorry to hear about your friend. It is sad when life ends so prematurely. I also thought that Silverlake Life was quite the film movie. The scene where Tom died was shocking. I could not believe how much of him had wasted away. It really was a great depiction of the horror of HIV/AIDS.

    Your statistics on Africa were very straightforward, to say the least. It is so overwhelming seeing those numbers, it makes me feel helpless. Almost as if there is nothing that can be done because the situation is so out of control. Obviously, that is the worst way to think, but I can't help but be depressed by it. A friend of mine that was an intern in Malawi told me that there are roughly 13 million people, and of that number, 1 million are orphans. So, 1 in 13 people in Malawi are orphans. Many of the kids have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS. I feel so bad for those nations, there is so much suffering and pain. It seems we have it so easy in the United States.

    -Spencer Kerce
