Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Blog #9- Looking Ahead

        Well another week down! I must admit this class has a challenge. Haha. I have never looked at my agenda so much in one day. I'm averaging five to seven times daily. A little excessive I will admit, however I have been mixing up my due dates so I have to do what i have to do. And all reality this class has been the only class in my school career to keep me on my toes. So it is a good thing.

        Apart from my friend being in town and taking time off work I have to deal with allergies. I'm a Florida native and I've never had allergies until about two years ago. The villain that is to blame for my allergies is yellow pollen. My head feels like it is going to explode.

                                 Did You Know??                                         

Everyone knows that South Africa is leader of the worldwide battle against AIDS due to the fact that they have extremely high numbers of people who are infected with HIV. For years the South African government has done nothing about it. They even went as far as claiming that the situation was not that bad. However in recent years, there had been a change in their views. They have finally admitted their is a problem and they are figuring out ways to fix it. It started in 2004, a new administration came in and the old went out. The new administration has produced more policies and programs for those who have contracted HIV. These policies and programs include early treatment of pregnant women as well as children who are infected and people who are infected with HIV and TB. Thankfully there has been an increase in funds to help support these programs. Not only is there more funds but their are newer guidelines for patients to meet to receive more aid. According to the article, the AIDA epidemic seems to have stabilized. To me, that is a total win! However there are still major challenges that have to be tackled, but once again as I said before it is a step in the right direction! (Navario, 2010)

Source: Navario, P. (2010, February 22). Hiv/aids in south africa: improved prognosis. Retrieved March 23, 2011 from

1 comment:

  1. I am happy that this country is taking the necessary measures to help improve this epidemic. Oh, and, im sorry about your allergies!!!!!!!!!!

    -Lashawnda Casper
