Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog #8- Welcome Back!

Well back from spring break. However I will admit I did not party at all or lay in the sun. I worked and did school work. Fun! Well actually it’s true. I’m gaining experience of what it feels like to have HIV. It’s very interesting. I also went and got tested for module 3. That was definitely an experience. But I will say no more on that subject because I do not want to spoil it for those of you who have not went yet.  
On another good note, I am super excited that my best guy friend, Josh, is coming into town this weekend for a week! I haven’t seen him in a couple of months and he’s going through a rough patch so this mini vacation will be good for him and me! I can’t wait, that is also another reason why I’ve tried to get ahead in both classes so I can see him. I think it’s a fair trade don’t go out during spring break and work ahead so that I can go out and see him. Total win!!!
Enough chit chat on to what I found. This news brings a smile to my face. Granted it’s not a 100% change, but it is a working progress. I found this article entitled “Drugs Have Helped To Reduce AIDS Deaths in South Africa”. 

Did You Know?
Last year around 5.5 million South Africans were HIV positive; that’s about 10.9% of the population (Sreeraman, 2011). In my opinion, that is 5.5 million people too many. But don’t be sad because recent studies have shown that there was a close to 25% decrease in death due to AIDS  (Sreeraman, 2011). What the cause of this decrease? The growing expansion of South Africa’s anti-retroviral programme is the cause! I for one am thrilled to hear that these anti-retroviral drugs are working. I mean think about it… Right now it is only 25% but 10 years from now it could be 50 % or even 75%. The main point is that this programme is working!  
Source: Sreeraman, VR. (2011, March 12). Drugs have helped to reduce aids deaths in south africa. Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. 25% decrease in AIDS deaths is a huge feat! Good blog post. I'm jealous that you actually got work done over the break. I couldn't motivate myself to get anything done all week.
