Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blog #2- Getting things in order.

                The second week has been a little more relaxed since I’m starting to get use to this online thing. This class is a lot of work, but I don’t mind. I’m learning and I don’t feel lost. Our first assignment, Thrush, was fun.  I got to experiment and get a general idea of what thrush was and what it somewhat feels like. I love projects like that because I feel you learn more that way; instead of just sitting in front of a computer researching it and just putting down facts because that’s what the internet says.  It’s the experiences that truly help you learn the most. Apart from class everything else is starting to come together. I may become an assistant manger at my second job! I hope it goes through, that would be awesome. 
                This class is definitely a challenge in my opinion. There is so much to learn and a lot of writing, which doesn’t bother me, I figuring out that it is going to help me out in the future with other assignments. This class has already shown me that I need to mange my time better, which I am working on. My posts will get better as I move forward. It’s time to get things in order. 

Did You Know?
                According to the UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, there is approximately 5.7 million people in South Africa with the HIV disease. Close to 3.2 million of those people are women and roughly 280,000 are children under the age of 14. I knew the numbers were high, but I honestly didn’t think they were that high. I was honestly shocked at first. As I read more on the UNAIDS, I found out that they have different programs to try and help the people suffering from this disease and to prevent others from getting it. It’s a step in the right direction. 

                The different programs range from prevention to educating people about the disease to giving out free condoms. In fact, according to UNAIDS, they hand out 400 million condoms each year. South Africa is also has the world’s biggest AIDS treatment program. I think that is great. They are really trying to control the issue and help the people suffering from HIV and AIDS. Their goals are to mange, treat, support as well as care for people with HIV and AIDS.   

               I found this video; I think it is interesting. 

Source: Counrty situation . (2008, July). Retrieved January 20, 2011 from www.unaids.org/en/Regionscountries/Countries/SouthAfrica.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My frist week of class...

                 My first week in this class was interesting and very chaotic. I'm not use to web courses so its been overwhelming. I know very little about HIV/AIDS so I felt that this course is going to help me gain a decent amount of knowledge of the disease. I plan on becoming a social worker when I graduate and I'll will come across people who have the disease and i honestly don't want to treat them like they have the plague. I want to be knowledge and get them the help they need. This disease scares me a lot, because it is spreading so rapidly. All I know about the disease so far is that it infects human; it targets the immune system and weakens it. Since I've started this class, I learned that it's a virus similar to a common cold or flu and can stay dormant for a long period of time. I find this interesting. What makes it stay dormant? And what makes it come out?

                                                                                                 Victoria Brown